Friday, December 11, 2009

A chilly December

Old man winter has come early this month early and with force, while the snow covered pines are gorgeous, the -20 degree wind chill reminds us of natures relentless and unforgivable authority.

So the garden is put down until Spring; it's time to enjoy some fine wine, a good book and classic movies!
BR Cohn 2007 Syrcab
Chappellet 2007 Mountain Cuvee

Thomas Jefferson on Wine
Front Cover

A Christmas Story (1963)

Why Wine?
Wine is a pleasant stimulant to four of our five basic senses (five with a good wine glass), as well as to the human spirit. Wine has a nearly limitless variety of flavors. Due to its origin as a product of soil, geography, climate and vintage conditions, grape variety, production technology and aging regimen, it offers more variations and possibilities for sensual appeal than possibly any other stimulus.